Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tiny Dancer

Here is a video clip of the best dancer at my birthday party. Can you tell she's the daughter of a dance teacher?! She was just a hoot. I joked with her mother that maybe 28 is the year.....
I have to admit, seeing that I had 27 friends at my party, it reminded me of a middle school dance at times. People looking at the ground shuffling feet reluctant to get onto the dance floor. Most guests located themselves in the kitchen for chatting and food. I felt that if I stopped dancing, then NOBODY would dance. So I danced for 4 hours straight. Hence, I could barely walk the next day. But I have to say, my 28th birthday was by far my most favorite birthday in the history of Jessica. Should I make 28 year resolutions? To exercise more, eat healthy more, enjoy life in Hawaii (I.E. stop and smell the lehua blossoms), and have friends and relatives visit me as often as possible! Thanks to all for making my birthday a special one!

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