Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's VOG

VOG as seen from Highway 11 looking down onto Kailua Kona, HI. Notice you can barely make out the cruise ship in the bay, and the complete lack of a HORIZON! 

While people in Los Angeles have to deal with ugly brown smog, residents of Hawaii have to deal with hazy irritating VOG. I decided to do as much research on VOG as possible, since I am a sufferer of Pele's wrath. 
Vog is formed when sulfur dioxide and other pollutants emitted by an erupting volcano mix with oxygen. CO2, arsenic, and other deadly chemicals are found in VOG (which explains the burning sensation in my sinuses, the 100 sneezes I am blessed for daily, and the incredibly itchy dry eyes that have me blinking like a toad caught in a hail storm) Kilauea has been erupting continuously since 1983. And Kilauea emits an estimate of 2,00 tons of Vog every day. While my parents informed me that the Seattle Times ran a cover page article about Hawaii's abnormally high levels of VOG, I don't expect conditions to get as worse as the deadly London fog of December 1952.

1 comment:

jennafoto@yahoo.com said...

ewwwww That looks like Los Angeles did during the summer fires!! GROSS. Good luck with your sinuses!hahaha