Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Moki Tails

I swear, Moki makes me laugh out loud every day. He is such a funny dog. On Sunday, we sang Happy Birthday to Grandma Ruth, and Moki decided to sing along too and howled. He normally saves his singing for my steel drum, but the song "Happy Birthday" does it for him too. Everytime.
But this week, he's in a very strange mood. He'll stand there and stomp his front foot at me and "hmmph" (like a silent air grunt) and look at me with eyes that scream "Well?!" I have no idea what he wants. And lately he's doing this thing where anytime I sit down at the piano to practice myself, he thinks a student MUST be outside waiting for a lesson and he runs to the door and whines and looks at me intently like "WELL?! The piano is making music..I need to let the students in!" 
Moki has learned that when I say "OK Kiddo. You did a great job today", he jumps up from his bed by my piano and leads the student to the door; then he runs out to the next car waiting and leads the student inside. This process repeats itself all day long while I teach. And usually he can calculate when my last lesson is and he'll bring me his frisbee to me as if to say "OK mom, now it's my turn for individual attention". But yesterday he miscalculated when I was done by an hour so I sent him downstairs to daddy. I truly believe Moki is a human soul trapped in a dog's body. 

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