Friday, April 4, 2008

Shave and a Hair Cut...2 Bits!

My subject title is the little tune they play at the end of cartoons. (As a musician I feel the need to explain my humor)

Today the hair came off. You would never guess I had it cut because once my hair is long enough, it automatically gets pulled into the daily pony tail. But I've come to the conclusion that I am a shorter haired type of person. And I envy all you long haired beauties.

So here's a riddle for you to solve. I come home yesterday after a VERY windy day. I walk up to our master bathroom and find the window open. During the day, the strong gusts of wind knocked over a vase of flowers and water in the bathroom. Yet strangely enough, there was not a drop of water to be found, just the flowers. I looked on the counter, I looked on the floor, but there was NO water. How did that happen? The only things on the counter were my toothbrush, my hair brush, an extra roll of toilet paper, and make up. But no pool of water. 

Give up? Or was it obvious to you and not me at the time? 

Later that night I decided to clean off the counter. I reached out to put the extra toilet paper roll under the counter and it was SOAKED. It had neatly and unassumingly soaked up that mystery puddle I couldn't find. And maintained the perfect shape of a toilet paper roll.   

Mystery solved. And no, I am not an artificial brunette. 

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