Sunday, January 31, 2010

Book Worm

My mother isn't too far from the truth when she likes to tease "You haven't read anything since 3rd grade's Roald Dahl!" I think that statement is pretty true. That WAS the last book I remember reading for pure enjoyment. Since the days of Matila, I only read what was required from me during my scholastic adventures. Then when I graduated college, I stopped reading. The big joke was "I only read music".
Then I noticed I would get pretty bored on long flights from Hawaii to the mainland, so I would pick some best sellers to read. And I noticed I enjoyed them. Some of them I even continued to read when I returned to Hawaii to finish them.
It was when I got "sucked" into the Twilight saga that reading was forever changed for me. I thought NOTHING could be better than those four amazing books. And I thought I ruined reading for myself from them on. Nothing else could compare.
But this past month I have discovered the joys of reading. I have been buying used books on for sometimes as cheap as 30 cents. (plus 3.99 shipping, but still!) I have noticed that by now reading, my wifely duties have dwindled significantly. When I used to have a quick 15 minute break I could do the dishes or start the wash. Now I dive into my book and read voraciously. I also noticed that reading books= stop spending money. I can't remember the last time I went grocery shopping. And I used to go probably 3 times a week. I'm about to finish reading Jodi Picoult's The Pact (a lot darker of a book than I care to read but very much an intense page turner). And before that I read her book "Plain Truth". Yep! I learned how to read reeeeal good!
In other news, this weekend included Alex digging up our septic tank for a quick repair. I started to document pictures and he teased me about putting it on my blog. I found the whole process interesting. So after being teased I stopped the documentation. When he was finished he asked if I took pictures and I said "NO! You made fun of me!" Our friends stopped by and noticed that the excavation "didn't smell" like you would normally think it would. I joked "That's cuz our $h!t don't stink".


Dana said...

My boys thank you profusely for the digger pictures! :)

Bookwerme said...

Check out Alibris for used books. Amanda told me about it.