Friday, January 22, 2010

East Coast Salerno's

Aunt Chris, Uncle Lou, Ryan and me
A visit to the Woodbillie farm
Just being a goof ball (don't ever call him this because he only focuses on the word "ball")
Dang I'm sexy
Zepola! The Italian donut. You have to think of what yours looks like before you eat it!
Pizza Fritte: Top it with powdered sugar, jam, or peanut butter

This best part about this past week was visiting with my Aunt and Uncle from New York. They brought along two treasured Italian family recipes with them: Pizza Fritte and Zepola. I am so cursed being an Italian with sky high cholesterol. (270!!) They came over to our house Sunday to meet the goats. Now, my Aunt and Uncle are about to become REAL grandparents to a REAL grand kid due in July. The FIRST great grandchild for the Salerno family (my cousin Damian really took the pressure off of me to provide the first great grand child for another good 2 years.) I was able to visit with them one more time on Monday down in Kona on MLK day (which was also my father in laws birthday). I just love having family visit!


Bookwerme said...

And you DID get recipes..right? What fun to have family visiting.

SalernoStrings said...

Well, they are still keeping it a family secret. They said they would SHOW me how to make them one day working side by side in the kitchen. But I have no baking skills. I don't like to cook. I like to just to eat!