Thursday, January 7, 2010


OK so apparently now that it's 2010 I have nothing to blog about. And yet my visitor tracker number keeps rising so I know you readers are still checking!
Winter vacation is over. Alex and I went to bed at 9:30pm on New Years Eve. I wanted to have a themed party where everyone would come as a notorious figure from 2009. I was going to be Octomom and tie 8 baby dolls to me. Alex was going to be Swine Flu and wear a sanitary mask with a pig nose drawn on the front. But we were both too lame and exhausted to orchestrate such an event and chose to go to bed early instead.
I think I've earned my Jessie the Farmer girl scout badge. I successfully relocated the portable electric goat fence all by myself last weekend! That's a lot of netting that could quite possibly be tangled into one giant ball of fencing. My little green lawnmowers have already munched down most of the new pen this week already. But this weekend I can't tend to them because I have 16 hours of symphony practice and a concert!
Click HERE to see the article about this upcoming weekend. And yes, in the photo, I am wearing black knee high boots.
So all is well for 2010 as of this week. I did a student head count for 2010 and I have 73 private students. Back to school. Back to lessons. Back to more blogging! Here's to a healthy happy New Years my loyal readers!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You know, few things make me happier than MY knee high boots and wearing them at what-some-people-may-think-as innappropriate times. Please, please continue the knee-high boot-wearing. It fills my soul with joy. :)