Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just Kidding around

Now that we have been a TV less household for almost two years, Alex teases me for standing on a stool in our bedroom watching our goats play through binoculars. I told him this is what happens to people without TV.
I have wanted to capture footage of my goats playing for weeks now, but whenever I go out there they stop playing and stare at me. Today I caught just a little bit of playing for your enjoyment. But it's not nearly as frisky and hyper as they usually can be when they play!
Also, to my shock and horror, the goats have also figured out another way to "pass the time". Buckley has been fixed, so as far as I can tell, it's purely for recreational purposes. I could see them from my kitchen window. I thought Buckley got out of the pen and was trying to hop back into the pen. Only I took a closer look and saw what he was really hopping on. Goats will be goats!

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