Saturday, February 27, 2010

Earthquakes and Hurricanes and Tsunami's OH MY!

Living in Hawaii you learn to differentiate the words "Watch" and "Warning". A watch means it may or may not happen. A warning is the imminent arrival.
So last night I went to bed already freaked out after watching the scary movie "Paranormal Activity". On top of that, right before bed we received an urgent text news report on our cell phone that Chile just had an 8.8 earthquake.
Fast forward to what felt like in the middle of the night because it was still pitch black outside. I awake to the ominous howl of the tsunami drill. Before I panic, I wrack my brain thinking "Is it the first of March already, no... I know it can't be...?" (they always do a test drill the first day of the month). But then I think "Why are they doing a test drill in the middle of the night a few days early?" Alex and I bolt out of bed (Moki chose to continue to sleep through the alarm not even bothering to get up and join us downstairs). I didn't think to video tape the darkness and the sound of the alarm from my porch for my blog (instead I called my parents to tell them we were ok), so the video I took was many hours later right before the wave was "supposed" to hit.
My brother turned on the news and saw "Hawaii braces for impact" and immediately called me. He said "I know it's early, but someone has to save the goats!" After the 6am warning siren, they did a siren every hour on the hour. Then as we got closer to 11am they did a warning every 30 minutes. Needless to say (adrenaline aside) we didn't get back to sleep. Now that the drama is settling down, we can all focus our thoughts and prayers on Chile.
Oh, and my witty parents said I should have said in my blog video "Welp, my goats seem to know JUST what to do in case of a tsunami...go to higher ground!"

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i rarely see the news now and have no idea what goes on in the world - didnt know about the earthquake or pending tsunami. glad you're all okay though!