Friday, March 21, 2008

Mama Mia!

Boo Hoo! My mommy had to leave tropical paradise last night. It was sooo special having her all to myself for 2 whole weeks. We squeezed lots of shopping, beach days, girl time, and even a day of snorkeling into her visit. My husband and family always joke that I run vacation time with a whistle and clip board "Tweet Tweet, next up on the itinerary is snorkeling". My dog Moki needs to go into "Post Grandmutter Puppy Blues therapy". He is sooo pouty and sad. This morning, he trotted slowly into her guest room like "Did she come back?" All I can do is snuggle up to him and say "I know sweet boy, I miss your Grandmutter too". But today we are back to the routine 12 hour teaching day. Back to reality! I love having company. It forces me to stop and breathe the salty, sandy, sunny sea air! So come visit more often Mama Lama! (and friends!!)

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