Thursday, March 13, 2008


Saturday March 8th 8pm Mount Kiluea eruption.
My mom Kristen arrived to the Big Island for a Mommy daughter visit last Friday March 7th. The next day we woke up early and drove to Volcano Village. That night, Mom, the Woodbury's, and I hiked an hour and a half to the lava eruption. Here is a picture taken with our very own camera. We were sooo close to the lava we could have TOUCHED it. I've lived on the Big Island for 5 years now, and this is the first time I've seen molten lava up close and personal. The long hike on unstable rocky lava rock was alllllmost not worth seeing the lava, but once we reached lava 5 inches from our feet, I was filled with awe. Goddess Pele in all her glory!

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