Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cirque Du Hualalai

March 12, 2008
Tonight was my K-5 circus show "Cirque Du Hualalai". The show went swimmingly, with adorable Kindergarten and 1st grade Lions, 2nd grade Clowns, 3rd grade Jugglers, 4th grade Acrobats, and 5th grade Ring Masters. As I was leaving the house for the concert, I thought my black outfit and colorful tights were missing something. So I opened my mother in laws closet hoping to find maybe a goofy hot when I spotted a hot pink, curly clown wig! The perfect final touch to Jessie the Jesture's circus attire. Tomorrow is Grandparents Day at school and we have to run the show again. But the first act will be my visiting mother and me doing a chicken piano skit. She and I will take turns running around the piano, each playing a continuous section of Robert Schumann's Arabesque whilst the running "waiting" partner dances with an Archie McPhee Rubber chicken. It's VERY difficult AND funny (to continuously play the Arabesque split between 2 people and a chicken!) 

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