Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cooking with Giada Jessie

Life seems to finally be at a nice calm stand still for me (unfortunately not for my busy bee husband who has been working 19 hour days and flying back and forth to Maui) I have survived a crazy X-mas vacation; discovered my sister's newfound Korean family; battled my school's version of Bubonic Plague that wiped out half the teacher/ student body; successfully performed my school production of Cirque du Hualalai and am now officially in the final leg of completing the 2007-2008 school year; and I am pretty sure I got over having major buyers remorse after overextending ourselves by investing in a down market.  The last big milestones for this year (oh by the way, I view time in terms of school years due to my teacher status) are performing in the Kamuela Philharmonic Symphony this weekend (a weekend of 15 hours of playing violin); putting on an adorable piano/violin recital for my little prodigies April 12th; and playing violin for 2 friends weddings this summer. Annnd I'll probably spend every free moment of breathing time chopping down trees and playing Jessie the Lumberjack. It's my birthday in April and I can already feel myself evolving and maturing as a person. I am READING a book right now. That's right, Jessie is capable of reading something other than music! I'm a downright bookworm, complete with my reading glasses. I think I could really get into Jodi Picoult's literature. Her book "My Sister's Keeper" is quite the page turner. And as you can see from my picture, I'm even finding time to bake. Let's hope the storm is over (and let's NOT hope this is simply the calm before the storm!) 

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hoppy Easter


Moki was so humiliated wearing bunny ears that he looked at everything BUT the camera when I tried to take his picture. He had a busy night delivering easter baskets so he's going to have a lazy Sunday. Wishing you all a Hoppy Easter!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mama Mia!

Boo Hoo! My mommy had to leave tropical paradise last night. It was sooo special having her all to myself for 2 whole weeks. We squeezed lots of shopping, beach days, girl time, and even a day of snorkeling into her visit. My husband and family always joke that I run vacation time with a whistle and clip board "Tweet Tweet, next up on the itinerary is snorkeling". My dog Moki needs to go into "Post Grandmutter Puppy Blues therapy". He is sooo pouty and sad. This morning, he trotted slowly into her guest room like "Did she come back?" All I can do is snuggle up to him and say "I know sweet boy, I miss your Grandmutter too". But today we are back to the routine 12 hour teaching day. Back to reality! I love having company. It forces me to stop and breathe the salty, sandy, sunny sea air! So come visit more often Mama Lama! (and friends!!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cirque Du Hualalai

March 12, 2008
Tonight was my K-5 circus show "Cirque Du Hualalai". The show went swimmingly, with adorable Kindergarten and 1st grade Lions, 2nd grade Clowns, 3rd grade Jugglers, 4th grade Acrobats, and 5th grade Ring Masters. As I was leaving the house for the concert, I thought my black outfit and colorful tights were missing something. So I opened my mother in laws closet hoping to find maybe a goofy hot when I spotted a hot pink, curly clown wig! The perfect final touch to Jessie the Jesture's circus attire. Tomorrow is Grandparents Day at school and we have to run the show again. But the first act will be my visiting mother and me doing a chicken piano skit. She and I will take turns running around the piano, each playing a continuous section of Robert Schumann's Arabesque whilst the running "waiting" partner dances with an Archie McPhee Rubber chicken. It's VERY difficult AND funny (to continuously play the Arabesque split between 2 people and a chicken!) 

Cirque Du Hualalai


Saturday March 8th 8pm Mount Kiluea eruption.
My mom Kristen arrived to the Big Island for a Mommy daughter visit last Friday March 7th. The next day we woke up early and drove to Volcano Village. That night, Mom, the Woodbury's, and I hiked an hour and a half to the lava eruption. Here is a picture taken with our very own camera. We were sooo close to the lava we could have TOUCHED it. I've lived on the Big Island for 5 years now, and this is the first time I've seen molten lava up close and personal. The long hike on unstable rocky lava rock was alllllmost not worth seeing the lava, but once we reached lava 5 inches from our feet, I was filled with awe. Goddess Pele in all her glory!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My first blog picture

Here, I will attempt to put my first blog "photo" in my posting! 
Day one of owning Lot 7:  Alex mows the acre by hand and rents a chipper. 

Attempting technology

Between campaigning my Spencer Road Guard Rail removal petition and the new Woodbury Green Building Bungalow Forest project, my friends insisted I start a "blog". I had to google the definition of the word "blog" to figure out what exactly I was being requested! So here is my attempt to catch up with technology. While most of my friends blog sites include adorable pictures and stories of their new babies, I have to entertain my friends with the current events of simply being the interesting and active "Woodbury's" here on lava rock island for the time being. So please stand by while I try to figure out how to maintain this so called "blog spot". 