Wednesday, February 1, 2012

If I were a cartoon.....

This is what I would look like.
I wish I had opened the Christmas present my student gave me in front of her so she could have seen my response. Alex was there to see it. Best present ever! A framed cartoon picture she drew of me from the October Recital. I love how Moki is drawn in with his bandana. He is so much a part of my teaching day. He runs into the room after pushing the door open to announce that a new student is here; he jumps up when the lesson is over and leads them to the door; he greets the next student while leading them to the bench. If I'm doing dishes and a student arrives early, he runs up to me with big wide eyes and whines to let me know someone is early. He has been with me since I started teaching lessons full time in 2002. The year I was able to afford making payments for my first car and the year I was able to afford adopting a new puppy, all in the same week actually! Ruby on the other hand is terrified of students and spends most of the day hiding from or dodging them!