Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our town's newest Quintet

It has been a great goal of mine to get my students playing with fellow students. My high school rock band Dress Code Violation was a great first attempt and experience. But I also wanted my string students to experience the joys of playing in an ensemble. Unlike my musical upbringing in Washington, students in Hawaii don't have the same kind of access to school bands and orchestras. And a majority of my students here are home schooled. One of my students approached me and said she longed to play in an ensemble. It then dawned on me that I have 5 string/piano students all about the same age and level who would be GREAT together in a Quintet. They are also such amazing and sweet girls! I will work with them individually during private lessons and then have Quintet rehearsal the first Friday of each month. I almost cried at yesterdays very first rehearsal. The sound quality of my iphone simply cannot accurately capture what they sounded like in my music room.
The future album cover (I told them to pose like serious musicians)
The Fabulous Five. I told the girls their first assignment was to come up with a Quintet name, so next rehearsal we should have an official Quintet Ensemble name!

1 comment:

A.M said...

That was fun! I can't wait for our next rehearsal :)
