Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Master Class Week

It's the end of winter quarter, which means it's master class week! A master class is different than a recital because it is for students only. I am able to critique them without an entire audience watching, just fellow students. This allows them to start over; to try a few times; and to become more comfortable performing in front of others.
Notes so far this week:
*Make sure to introduce your name and pieces in a loud, clear, slow voice.
*When you take a bow, look at your feet for at least 2 seconds. Think "left sock, right sock" and stand up.
*Never "tsk" or make noises when you make a mistake. Always keep going and make it work.
*Put your hands on your lap after each piece and take your foot off the pedal before you turn the page for your next song.
*Always be a quiet, supportive audience. Silence any noisy audience members. Never distract the performer.

Everyone is sounding wonderful. My students are supporting and observing all ages, levels, and instruments this week!

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