Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy 256th Birthday Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart January 27 1756-December 5 1791. Click HERE to read more about his short but prolific life.
Fun facts:
WHAT A LONG NAME! Mozart's full name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophillus Amadeus Gottlieb Sigismundus Mozart.

Mozart could write music notes before he could write words. (Interestingly enough, my 2-5 year olds can READ music before they can read books too!)

Mozart was a knight.

He composed 50 symphonies, 25 piano concertos, 12 violin concertos, 27 concert arias, 26 string quartets, 103 minuets (I love it when I teach a student a new minuet and they say "I've already played the minuet". I always say "Kid, there are hundreds!" ), 15 masses, and 21 operas.

1 comment:

A.M said...

Wow, what an amazing life!