Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'll love you forever Grandpa John

I know I'm keeping this blog address for business and http://TheWoodbillies.blogspot.com for personal, but this is the blog site my Grandpa John devotedly read. He and my dad would tie as my biggest readers. So I wanted to post a loving memory here to my beloved Grandpa John, who passed away on Saturday. John has been in our lives so long it's hard to remember my Grandma Ellie's life before him. It must have been 1989 or 1990 when they started dating. I remember my cousins were just babies and my parents had just recently adopted Kimi. When Grandma Ellie died in 1999, Grandpa John continued to be a constant figure in our lives. While e-mail and digital cameras weren't used back then like they are today (if around at all), I discovered today that I've saved every e-mail John wrote me dating back to 2005 and I compiled a document of our dialogue which I sent to his son Jeff. Being a pack rat, even in cyber space, has its advantages.
I was gardening on Saturday, and when I was pulling weeds out of the pond's waterfall, I suddenly thought of Grandpa John so strongly that I whispered his name out loud. I took it as a sign that I should e-mail him. Little did I know he passed away that day. Maybe it was him, paying me a quick visit in Hawaii. That day (last weekend) I had just learned that our spunky, funny, and loving neighbor Phylis (who was in her late 80's) had died. We talked about going over to see her and Wayne the whole month of December; how we had to bring a X-mas gift; how we had to make sure we stopped by before leaving for Seattle; and then when we got back from Seattle and had the gift all wrapped and ready to go because we didn't find the time before, we found out she died. Also on Saturday, New Years Eve.
While I sincerely hope 2012 isn't mass exodus, these losses are continual reminders of how precious life is. The greatest hope and wish for anyone is that they have a life full of love and happiness. As her husband Wayne told us yesterday "Phylis lived the exact life she wanted to live with as little interference from me!" And Grandpa John taught us the true meaning of family. It doesn't matter if they are related through blood, or adoption, through marriage, or family once removed....family is what you build around you.
And what a beautiful family it is.


Eese said...

My deepest sympathies for your loss. Much love you, my dear cousin.

I wish so much we were closer & knew each other better! I love you very much, though, regardless! *HUGS*

Bookwerme said...

Thanks for letting us know. John and I have stayed in contact for years...and recently I had noticed his msgs were getting difficult. I worried about him.

Family is indeed who you gather around you and love. John was certainly among those much loved. I know you will miss him. What a loving thing to do for Jeff.

Our love and sympathy to you.