Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I'm not sure if it's the lack of seasonal changes out here in the tropics or what....but days like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, you name it....are BIG events here in Hawaii. Everyone usually goes all out. We didn't have any plans for Halloween this year. I taught on Sunday so the kids could trick or treat Monday night. I didn't want to buy costumes without any plans. But last minute our friends suggested going to Tako Taco for dinner. The restaurant is fully decorated with Dia de los muertos, and we thought we would dress the same. We happened to own Mexican style clothing; I found a sombrero at the thrift store for $2; I have a guitar and maracas....I just needed to buy face paint. I've never face painted in my life. In fact, the last time my own face was ever painted was in 9th grade when I performed in Island Sound Girls Choir's production of Cats. I remember whatever paint they used could only be removed with this goopy icky stuff called Cold Cream. And cold cream paired with already hormonal teenage skin resulted in face paint induced acne back in those days.
I printed pictures of Dia de los muerto and used them as my models. I started with my own face which took about an hour. Then I called Alex in and started on his face. Without a counter to lean my elbows on, I discovered it's REALLY hard to do someone else's make up. I didn't want my shakey hands to slip and stick the brush in his eye. So I handed him my eyeliner (I called it guyliner for his sake) and said "Here, have at it!"
We showed up at the Mexican restaurant looking like the photos above and realized nobody else was dressed up. I felt like the hired clowns! So we ate a quick dinner and then made the rounds in Waimea town to say hello to our friends since this is the one and only time we have dressed up together this past decade!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I bet everyone in the restaurant LOVED seeing your painted faces! What amazing make-up artistry!