Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog going Private

Aloha my fellow blog readers,

In exactly one week, I will be switching my blog over to a private setting. My readers will have to sign in with a google account name (usually an e-mail) and password. I'll even make this super easy for you, so click HERE to create your own google account sign in if you do not have one already. E-mail me at salernostrings@yahoo.com if you have any difficulty logging on to my blog. Please don't be shy; whether you are a SalernoStrings.blogspot.com reader I have not met, a friend, or a relative, I want to make sure you are still tuned in to my blog.

My new personal blog can be found at http://TheWoodbillies.blogspot.com
I will need to add your e-mail address as an approved reader, so please e-mail me your e-mail address and I will approve you as a viewer!

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