Friday, August 28, 2009

Seattle vacation blogging intermission...details about life in Hawaii

Even though I'm still blogging about our trip to Seattle, it's not as though life and time have stood still out here in Hawaii.
1. School's back in session! I'm teaching K-6th grade music again at Waimea Country school. This year, instead of a violin class I am teaching ukulele.
2. I am also teaching music once a week to a home school coop. My all time favorite teacher who was laid off last year transformed her garage into an adorable classroom complete with blackboard, colorful floor mat, and alphabet/cursive/number ceiling border. I know all the kids from last year too, making my teaching experience extra fun!
3. Heard it through the grapevine! Turns out that little chihuahua we rescued last month is PREGNANT. Thank goodness we found her a home just in the nick of time. (her new human parents are THRILLED she's having puppies so this is win win for everyone involved here) I can't imagine teaching music lessons, being cooped up all day with the 2 dogs, and having a chihuahua deliver puppies during a lesson! Talk about multitasking!
4. I am teaching SEVENTY FOUR students this year. This is my third week since my summer vacation on this current 74 student schedule. But who's counting right? Luckily I love my job, and I am usually zinging and buzzing with the great energy of all my students by the end of the day. My current schedule is 8am-7:45pm with a 30 minute lunch break Monday through Friday.
5. Sold my Subaru. Alex's company bought a used Tacoma truck in Seattle for me to drive around in. Shipped it over. It arrived today. Ship yard is closed on the weekend (and um, with my teaching schedule I can't just drive to Hilo's shipyard 2 hours away). So my mother in law is picking it up Monday for me!
6. I am now an entertainer for children's birthday parties (on my steel drum)! I auditioned with Island Breeze entertainment last week (I must have impressed grammy winner Charles Brotman because he gave my name out to this agency! And if Mr. Brotman wants me to audition, I'll do it!) My first gig is next month for a 1 year old birthday luau. I'm bringing percussion instruments and rhythm sticks to form a little band to jam along with me to interact with the kids.
7. That's all for now here in Hawaii. I still have stuff to blog about from our trip to Washington so stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two very important people

This is a very special picture!

At my parents SeaFair party, two particular guests played a huge role throughout my life (in addition to my parents of course!) The woman on my left is my childhood violin teacher Val. And the woman on my right is my childhood piano teacher LeAnn. I haven't seen LeAnn since our last lesson in high school.

I experienced different teachers and methods growing up. The strict, serious methods my Russian teachers used that definitely taught me discipline and etiquette. And I also had sweet, supportive, and patient teachers like Val and LeAnn who demonstrated the type of teacher I wanted to grow up to be. I think music should be inspiring and fun. A way for students to express themselves. An escape from the pressure and stress the life can sometimes bring. A joyful experience that they look forward to each week. And when my students tell me "When I grow up I want to be a music teacher just like you!" I feel like my goals as a teacher and mentor are being accomplished and fulfilled!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Super cool Blue Angels video

I took this video at my parents house during their Sea Fair Blue Angels party. I think over 100 people came to that party! I have several dozen other videos of jets flying by overhead that I will sort through. This one is one of my favorites!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Our Country's Fiftieth Fiftieth!

On August 21, 1959, President Eisenhower signed the official declaration and Hawaii was admitted to the Union, making it our 50th state. Hawaii is 7 months younger than Alaska (which Eisenhower made a state on January 3, 1959!)
Happy Statehood Hawaii!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ride the Ducks

Today's DUCK
The original DUKW
Waiting on a very amusing line complete with jugglers, clowns, and comedians!
View from the boat
This just quacks me up!

Need a pick me up in the middle of your day? RIDE THE DUCKS! It will guarantee improve your mood, make you laugh, make you cheesy, and entertain you! Ride the Ducks is the only amphibious sightseeing company in the WORLD. The Ducks are based on the classic WWII DUKW design first built by General Motors in 1942. They drive on land and sea. You can ride the ducks in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Branson, Newport, San Francisco, and Seattle!
Duck Jokes:
Where did the duck go when he was sick? The Ducktor
What time does a duck wake up? The Quack of dawn
This was one of the biggest highlights for me on our Seattle trip. Even Alex was doing the YMCA and laughing his head off!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Woodland Park Zoo

Alright Blog readers! We are back from our nice long Seattle vacation. We got back at 12 noon on Monday and I started teaching the same day from 2-8pm. Plane landed, got our bags, had a quick lunch, and I started teaching! I joked with my students "Man I had a long commute to work today!"
So now I will spend the next several weeks getting you caught up with our fun adventures in Washington. Starting with todays entry: The Zoo!
My sister in law came out to visit us in Seattle and we wanted her to experience all things fun, touristy, and exciting. So we stopped by the Woodland Park Zoo. The zoo has really changed since I was a child. Much bigger, beautiful living spaces for the animals. The habitats also seem to include more of their natural elements as well. And we all put on our Happy Feet because there is now a new penguin exhibit! I think my favorite Zoo exhibit is the noctural bats and critters cave. No pictures to accompany this exhibit because you have to keep quiet as you walk through the dark environment. As your eyes adjust, you can see frantic possums scurry across the floor and giant fruit bats hanging from the ceiling.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

NPR featuring Alex Woodbury

Yesterday Hawaii Public Radio NPR featured a segment about Alex. I was in the car riding up to Bellingham with him two days ago for the phone interview. Click HERE to listen!

Monday, August 10, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the Blue Angels!

Greetings readers! Apparently summer vacation also meant a blog break! We have been going non stop with company for a few weeks now. No time for computers! I'm going to have to update you in increments because I have 300 pictures and several videos to share. So update event number 1A: The Blue Angels (entry 1B will be videos of the angels posted at a slightly later date). It has been 7 years since I've seen the Blue Angles show. Schools in Hawaii start the first week of August, but I was able to work around this date so we could catch the awesome show. I get goose bumps when the Blue Angels rumble and zoom past my head. My parents had a Sea Fair party with 88 guests. My dad and I played a few hit fiddle songs, and his band the Raretones entertained the crowds. Mom's dahlias have never looked more spectacular. They are over 6 feet tall. When you walk into her garden you feel like Alice in Wonderland. (Pictures to be posted on blog entry 2A!) All for now, just to tide you over. I didn't want family and friends to send out a search party for me since I have been absent on my blog!