Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I have actual magical powers

I single handedly manned 22 students in this evenings hour long master class. They did such a wonderful job! The hour before, I had 14 students ages 3-5 perform in the Young Masters Class. It's been a busy week! Happy Leap Day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Master Class Week

It's the end of winter quarter, which means it's master class week! A master class is different than a recital because it is for students only. I am able to critique them without an entire audience watching, just fellow students. This allows them to start over; to try a few times; and to become more comfortable performing in front of others.
Notes so far this week:
*Make sure to introduce your name and pieces in a loud, clear, slow voice.
*When you take a bow, look at your feet for at least 2 seconds. Think "left sock, right sock" and stand up.
*Never "tsk" or make noises when you make a mistake. Always keep going and make it work.
*Put your hands on your lap after each piece and take your foot off the pedal before you turn the page for your next song.
*Always be a quiet, supportive audience. Silence any noisy audience members. Never distract the performer.

Everyone is sounding wonderful. My students are supporting and observing all ages, levels, and instruments this week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Free Pop Sheet Music

I discovered yet another amazing free pop sheet music website. At first, an advertisement will pop up, but just wait one second and then click "Skip this ad" to browse the site longer. Click HERE to check out sheet music!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our town's newest Quintet

It has been a great goal of mine to get my students playing with fellow students. My high school rock band Dress Code Violation was a great first attempt and experience. But I also wanted my string students to experience the joys of playing in an ensemble. Unlike my musical upbringing in Washington, students in Hawaii don't have the same kind of access to school bands and orchestras. And a majority of my students here are home schooled. One of my students approached me and said she longed to play in an ensemble. It then dawned on me that I have 5 string/piano students all about the same age and level who would be GREAT together in a Quintet. They are also such amazing and sweet girls! I will work with them individually during private lessons and then have Quintet rehearsal the first Friday of each month. I almost cried at yesterdays very first rehearsal. The sound quality of my iphone simply cannot accurately capture what they sounded like in my music room.
The future album cover (I told them to pose like serious musicians)
The Fabulous Five. I told the girls their first assignment was to come up with a Quintet name, so next rehearsal we should have an official Quintet Ensemble name!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

If I were a cartoon.....

This is what I would look like.
I wish I had opened the Christmas present my student gave me in front of her so she could have seen my response. Alex was there to see it. Best present ever! A framed cartoon picture she drew of me from the October Recital. I love how Moki is drawn in with his bandana. He is so much a part of my teaching day. He runs into the room after pushing the door open to announce that a new student is here; he jumps up when the lesson is over and leads them to the door; he greets the next student while leading them to the bench. If I'm doing dishes and a student arrives early, he runs up to me with big wide eyes and whines to let me know someone is early. He has been with me since I started teaching lessons full time in 2002. The year I was able to afford making payments for my first car and the year I was able to afford adopting a new puppy, all in the same week actually! Ruby on the other hand is terrified of students and spends most of the day hiding from or dodging them!