Sunday, March 14, 2010

Virtual Piano Lessons

Well shoot folks, I don't think I can top last weekends post! Life is sort of boring right now. Nothing hilarious!
But tonight I embarked on a new directional branch of my career. CYBER lessons! That's right folks, I am now officially a virtual piano teacher. Available to my abroad students via ichat or skype. I did a test run with one of my middle school students tonight who is moving to Washington in May, to a small island without a piano teacher. So instead of her coming over for a lesson tonight, we skyped it. When her face popped up on my computer screen, I wanted to ham it up and say in a computery futuristic voice "Greetings. And welcome to your virtual piano lesson. I will be your cyber teacher, Jelexica, coming to you live from my pod on planet Jupiter". Jelexica was the only space age-y version of my name I could make up.
In other news,
There was a plague upon the Woodbury dwelling for over a week. We are both on the mend now. Spring break is here so I have 2 weeks off of school but will continue with private lessons.
And finally, we discovered a very funny song this week regarding the tsunami that never took place. Click HERE to hear some good island humor.

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