Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Alex in Waterworld screen shots

Here is Alex on the raft. There is another scene in the extended version that shows his whole body.
OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod it's a chest shot of the dreamy Alex Woodbury!!!!!
Here he is walking directly in front of Kevin Costner

Last night we couldn't decide what movie to watch so I suggested we take screen shots of him starring in Waterworld. There are other battle scenes where you can see Alex but they move so quickly it's hard to catch it in a screen shot.
I told Alex I remembered seeing this movie in the theaters when it first came out. I said "Little did I know back then at age 15 that one day I would grow up and marry the boy who walked in front of Kevin Costner in Waterworld!"


Bookwerme said...

hate to be an ignoramus..was Alex IN that movie? or is this something else...I am so technology challenged and movie ignorant!

SalernoStrings said...

Hi Aunt Asta,
YEP! Alex was totally an extra in the movie Waterworld. Most of his high school class got summer jobs as extras. He was 16 in this movie. And you really can see him walk by the camera!