Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am Twenty Whine

                Birthday photo taken in 2007 hence the long hair!

OK folks, here's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I try to keep my blog full of sunshine and rainbows, but yesterday, my birthday, the day marking my last year in my 20's, I had a melt down. A full blown state of complete hysteria. Crying on and off from 7am-6pm. Every e-mail I got from a friend wishing me a happy birthday made me cry. I didn't answer my phone all day yesterday because I couldn't answer without sobbing. 
Alex has been volunteering by giving Energy Efficiency Evaluation lectures to low income housing on Saturdays. It's one of the millions of reasons why I love and appreciate Alex. But that meant yesterday I was all by myself on my birthday. We were going to take a trip to Maui, but the lecture was moved to the 18th. I was going to plan a dance party, but with only 4 days notice of the lecture, those plans were cancelled. And I've had my family here for 3 weeks, and they left the day before my birthday. So instead of celebrating I threw myself a "self pity party feeling all alone". Alex came home around 3 and suggested I take a nap and said "Jessie, I think you are completely worn out". And that is EXACTLY what was going on! I'm not really THAT upset turning 29. It's been three weeks of company at our house going non stop full speed ahead. And when they left I was tired, worn out, shell shocked, you name it. 
The nap helped. And afterward, we went to the wine mart and got chilled white whine, cheese and crackers. Then Alex took me to a very nice restaurant for dinner. It ended up being a lovely evening filled with smiles. The waiter brought out a cake with a candle and I said to Alex "Since this is my second birthday cake of the week, I get to make a second wish when I blow out my candle". Alex knows every time I make a wish on a shooting star or candle I wish that all my loved ones are safe, happy, alive, and healthy at this very moment. So I said "Alex I get to make a different wish this time but I won't tell you!" And he smiled nervously and said "Um, I hope your wish has 4 legs or 4 wheels!" All in good time Alex, all in good time.

1 comment:

Kimi said...

for some reason, I totally thought you were mama llama! hehe