Saturday, September 13, 2008

Waimea Parade

For the past five plus years I have lived in Waimea, I have never once attended the annual Cowboy Parade. The reason? Chances are for the past five years Alex and I were knee deep in a project of some sort when the parade was taking place and couldn't break away OR we were lazy bums sleeping in completely oblivious that a parade was even taking place. But this week I have been a bachelorette for seven days. (You should see the pile of dirty dishes stacked in the sink! Apparently my domestic skills go on strike when I'm single for the week since nobody is around to see Messie Jessie in her natural state).
Moki had a boring day since normally Saturdays involve the Farmers Market where I man the dog and Alex buys the produce. But there was no way I could carry all the produce, talk to friendly people at the market, and hold back the Wooly Tornado on his leash. So he stayed in the car, glaring at me the entire time. So to make it up, I told him I would walk him down the street to watch the parade. I knew my students from Waimea Country school would be in the parade and I wanted to support them.
I waited for about 45 minutes watching floats go by and hula dancers perform and almost gave up on waiting for my new school because it was hot, Moki was whining, and I was getting sunburned. But JUST as I was leaving I saw a big banner turn the corner with my school's name on it.

NOW REMEMBER: I've only taught these kids ONE DAY this past week. Who knows if they even remember me let alone remember my name. So I pulled out my video camera as their float went by and I felt like a total rock star. All the kids shouted my name MISS JESSICA! MISS JESSICA! OUR MUSIC TEACHER MISS JESSICA!!! It really made me happy! So here is the video with all my adorable students. I am so very excited to be their music teacher.

1 comment:

Patep said...

ah! a friend of mine sent me still pics of this but how awesome to find a video of all the kids!! thanks for putting this up! makes me miss Waimea even more... oh well!