Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My name is zoom and I live on the moon and I came down to earth just to sing you this tune,
Cuz Daddy-O's! It's your birthday! TODAY!

That is the lyrics to a tape that my dad gave me for my 8th birthday. My cousin found a recording of it last year and sent it to me and it just cracked me up!
So my father is the HARDEST person to shop for! I've lucked out the past two years with great meaningful gifts:
The first gift being a framed picture of Lake Chelan's rising moon with a perfect black pine tree silloutte in the middle of the moon; and then last years gift was the bright red lunar eclipse moon. But there was no amazing moon activity this past year for me to continue with the moon themed gifts. (Although yesterday when I got up to nanny at 5:30am there was a HUGE yellow golden harvest full moon with a sunset behind it).
Astronomy always reminds me of my dad. He'll spend hours outside looking up at stars. Getting us all the see who can spot a satellite first. And of course, there is wonderful sentimentality to Onrelas constellation. (Salerno backwards!) But this year, since I couldn't find a moon gift, Alex and I send Daddy-O's a dark purple lei to wear around his neck and think of Hawaii all day! I guess an even BETTER present would have been a wrapped ticket to Hawaii in a box with a big bow!! Uh oh! I hope this doesn't downplay the lei idea!
So this blog post is dedicated to you Daddy-O's. May all your birthday wishes come true when you blow out your candles tonight. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful father. Oh it makes me ache to know how much I miss you and mom!!! So let's video chat tonight so I can wave hello and blow you a kiss!

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