Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pretty in Pink

I had no idea student violins came in such colorful forms! What a great new way to convince children that violins are the coolest instruments on the planet. I originally ordered a blue violin for my little boy student, but it came PINK! So my girl students were just thrilled. Not that children need to be color gender specific. But the pink violin tends to match my girl students clothing better. Color cordinated!
Tomorrow marks the day of a brand new journey for me. I'm the music teacher at a charming private school literally right around the corner from my house. I will teach K-6th grade! With the 4-6th graders I am going to start a violin program using 6 of my personal violins. (4-6th grade happens to only be six students anyway). I worked all day on my lesson plan. Tomorrow is going to be a tropical Caribbean unit on the Steel Pan. So of course, I'm towing a steel drum, 6 violins, and books tomorrow as I waltz into the school. No I do not travel lightly. I am a one man band! Next week I'll bring my camera to school and have the teacher take some pictures!

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