Monday, August 11, 2008

A ukulele in the making


The many stages of making a ukulele! How fun it was to do a MUSICAL woodworking project with Alex. I finally felt helpful in the shop. He needed ME to do the pegs, stringing, bridge setting, and tuning. I also was able to point out the different parts of a stringed instrument. We joked to each other "Yeah THIS is what you give a 2 year old for his birthday", but bright and smart Oliver is no ordinary 2 year old and he loved his ukulele birthday present. 

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Who is Oliver? A nephew? Friend? I love seeing what you guys are up to. How cool to MAKE an instrument. A friend of ours here has made his own guitar. He had Bebop over when they were here.

Sending you LOTS of love. Aunt Asta