Saturday, August 2, 2008

Long time, no post

Okay Okay, I've been MIA for exactly a month. Summer vacation has a way of doing that to people. Apparently many of you DO read my blog. I just returned from a wonderful Seattle vacation. I counted it as my 10 year high school reunion since it involved the marriage of my good high school friend and a bridal shower for another. It's really special to see where everyone has gone since high school. The Seattle trip involved the San Juan Islands, lots of sightseeing in the city, good food, yummy berries, the glass Museum, and family time. Of course I have post vacation blues and a bit of a stressful (long story) situation on my hands, but today in the Hawaiian sun Alex brightened up my day. He went out in my weed filled neglected garden and came back in the house and popped 2 juicy blueberries in my mouth. My blueberry plant has berries on it!! I was JUST thinking today about how much I missed having blueberries every day. So after I teach this afternoon I'm putting on my work clothes and getting out into my gardens. I will post pictures from Seattle this week. Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer! 

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Welcome home...I am sure you had a wonderful time being stateside with family and friends. Love to you, Aunt Asta