Sunday, August 24, 2008

10 year high school reunion

10 years ago this summer I graduated from Mercer Island High School. Since I went to Seattle twice this summer from Hawaii, a 3rd trip out would just not be feasible. So I won't be going to my reunion!! I figure I facebook/visit/talk to most of my classmates I was closest too. So 10 years ago today I was just an optimistic deer in the headlights teenager, venturing from my parents nest to college. Imagining the kind of person I wanted to grow up and become. I always knew my future involved music education. I always knew I would be playing violin and piano. So yes, now that I am living in that future, I feel so lucky to have my dream job. Teaching music and performing. The other day while I was practicing violin, I thought to myself "I wonder how many thousands of hours (if not YEARS), of my life I've held this wooden instrument to my face?". And I wonder how many years of my life I've spent sitting on a piano bench! Not that I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I try to bounce around as much as I can while I teach children. At school, I try to incorporate music and motion as often as I can. PLUS, this year, my goal is to cross train. I will run Mon/Weds/Friday and swim Tues/Thursday. Now that I'm nannying from 5:40-8am Monday-Friday; teaching over 60 private students music lessons; playing violin in the symphony via a signed contract; and seeking out music teaching K-6 grade positions at local schools in Waimea, I need MUCH more energy this year. So I believe working out will give me that needed boost! 

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh! I swear it's true, while it sounds crazy with all that you have going on, cross-training will super-charge ya like it ain't no thang. I've been getting up at 5:30 to run MWF's w/my neighbor and then I write TTh's before the kids get up and go to the gym later. I also somehow managed to train and run two half marathons and a whole one! ME?! ME! Chubby Jenny! And I did all this whilst raising two offspring, teaching the occasional private lesson (OK, you totally got me beat with 60!), teaching toddler music classes and volunteering a few hours every week for Engaged Encounter. I say this not to brag. (honestly), but to prove that if someone like me can do it AND survive AND have more energy, then you can SO do this, sister friend. :)