Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moki uses the Swiss Exercise ball

Most of us attempt sit ups, crunches, and stretches on the Swiss Exercise ball. Tonight, Moki demonstrates his favorite form of exercise using the yoga ball. He IS a herding dog. And I've tried training him to herd a giant tennis ball (the size of a basketball) around the local soccer field in town. But in the end, he doesn't herd the ball left or right like I direct him. He just goes along with wherever it is going. Keeping it in a little circle all the while. 

Elf Sleigh Ride

I swear, we haven't even started this evenings consumption of wine. This is just a typical Woodbury household form of post work relaxation. This particular game is one of my favorite Moki activities: Scooting me around in the rolly chair with a dog toy. I'm wearing my new all time favorite pajamas! My Dr. Seuss jammies! Alex has his own opinion of my PJ's, but I told him they make me super happy. And as a compromise, I promise to only wear them one night a week to not over due the level of obnoxiousness! 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

10 year high school reunion

10 years ago this summer I graduated from Mercer Island High School. Since I went to Seattle twice this summer from Hawaii, a 3rd trip out would just not be feasible. So I won't be going to my reunion!! I figure I facebook/visit/talk to most of my classmates I was closest too. So 10 years ago today I was just an optimistic deer in the headlights teenager, venturing from my parents nest to college. Imagining the kind of person I wanted to grow up and become. I always knew my future involved music education. I always knew I would be playing violin and piano. So yes, now that I am living in that future, I feel so lucky to have my dream job. Teaching music and performing. The other day while I was practicing violin, I thought to myself "I wonder how many thousands of hours (if not YEARS), of my life I've held this wooden instrument to my face?". And I wonder how many years of my life I've spent sitting on a piano bench! Not that I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I try to bounce around as much as I can while I teach children. At school, I try to incorporate music and motion as often as I can. PLUS, this year, my goal is to cross train. I will run Mon/Weds/Friday and swim Tues/Thursday. Now that I'm nannying from 5:40-8am Monday-Friday; teaching over 60 private students music lessons; playing violin in the symphony via a signed contract; and seeking out music teaching K-6 grade positions at local schools in Waimea, I need MUCH more energy this year. So I believe working out will give me that needed boost! 

Monday, August 11, 2008

A ukulele in the making


The many stages of making a ukulele! How fun it was to do a MUSICAL woodworking project with Alex. I finally felt helpful in the shop. He needed ME to do the pegs, stringing, bridge setting, and tuning. I also was able to point out the different parts of a stringed instrument. We joked to each other "Yeah THIS is what you give a 2 year old for his birthday", but bright and smart Oliver is no ordinary 2 year old and he loved his ukulele birthday present. 

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Long time, no post

Okay Okay, I've been MIA for exactly a month. Summer vacation has a way of doing that to people. Apparently many of you DO read my blog. I just returned from a wonderful Seattle vacation. I counted it as my 10 year high school reunion since it involved the marriage of my good high school friend and a bridal shower for another. It's really special to see where everyone has gone since high school. The Seattle trip involved the San Juan Islands, lots of sightseeing in the city, good food, yummy berries, the glass Museum, and family time. Of course I have post vacation blues and a bit of a stressful (long story) situation on my hands, but today in the Hawaiian sun Alex brightened up my day. He went out in my weed filled neglected garden and came back in the house and popped 2 juicy blueberries in my mouth. My blueberry plant has berries on it!! I was JUST thinking today about how much I missed having blueberries every day. So after I teach this afternoon I'm putting on my work clothes and getting out into my gardens. I will post pictures from Seattle this week. Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer!