Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Recital Week

Thursday's Master Class students
Wednesday's master class students
Tuesday's master class. Since it is Halloween week, my students dressed in costumes.
Little Ariel sang "Part of Your World" as well as four piano pieces. She stole everyone's heart!

With 76 students, I do not have much time for practicing myself! This piece needs a few more weeks until it is perfect. But here is a run through of Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique.

Performing in front of others should be part of my student's training. It is an important life lesson, and the more it is practiced, the easier it becomes. Walking out onto a stage and performing is as natural for me as walking into the store or to the bank. It's just like any other day, thanks to the thousands of master classes, recitals, and concerts I participated in as a young child. But how do I have 76 private students perform in a recital? Well, I decided this year to divide the week into 5 master classes. Tonight is group number 3. Every evening at 5pm, the students who normally had lessons that day gather at my house to perform up to 4 pieces. This ensemble has been so much more manageable. Last years recital with 60+ students went for over 3 hours! Each evening features a wonderful variety of ages, levels, and instruments. I am so proud of my students and they bring me such great joy. I will continue to post pictures from each master class.

1 comment:

A.M said...

That was very fun Jessica, thanks for letting me be apart of the recital.

your student