Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Under the Sea

Alex took this picture of a peaceful honu floating by
Moki unfortunately learned that you don't VANA step on a Vana Sea Urchin! The poor dog looked like he was attacked by a porcupine. We had to soak his paw in vinegar.
Alex deep sea skin diving. I thought he was spelling out the name Alex at the bottom of the ocean, but it says Aloha (and it was previously there)
Eels will forever remind me of The Little Mermaid

It only took 7 years of living in Hawaii, but investing in an underwater camera was a good idea! Alex still gets a few strange looks from realtors when he dunks his camera in his clients pool to take pictures underwater!


Amanda said...

aww poor Moki!! Love the underwater pictures.

Bookwerme said...

I hear that there is a quick relief from sea urchin spines..but will have to private message you about it. I have not tried it, but hear it helps fast.