Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Volcano Village

I found the source of our VOG (Volcanic Smog)!
The Thurston Lava Tube at dusk
Jessie and Alex the Lava Tube bats.
Jess and Jenna at the Halema'uma'u Crater
Steam Vents

This summer we took a trip down to Volcano Village. I have never seen the Crater so active. No wonder our VOG has been out of control the past few years. So voggy we can't see the sun set or the horizon line. We went to the Visitor Center at night to see the glowing lava. The dramatic crater on the caldera floor is named Halema'uma'u. According to tradition, the crater is the home of Pele, the Hawaiian godess of fire.
Halema'uma'u lies at the heart of Kilauea, an active volcano with a fiery reputation. From 1823 until 1924, Halema'uma'u contained a lava lake that fascinated visitors from around the world.
It was really fun experiencing the lava tube at night. We were the only ones in the Tube. I remember taking my sister years ago. I knew it was around 3pm when we were walking inside the tube and I said casually "Kimi, we just need to make sure we are out of here by 3pm because lava comes GUSHING through around that time". And she froze and said "Jessica! It's 2:57!" and I looked at her shocked and said "REALLY? RUN!!!" and as we were running I started cracking up. Not a very nice big sister, huh?

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