Saturday, February 27, 2010

Earthquakes and Hurricanes and Tsunami's OH MY!

Living in Hawaii you learn to differentiate the words "Watch" and "Warning". A watch means it may or may not happen. A warning is the imminent arrival.
So last night I went to bed already freaked out after watching the scary movie "Paranormal Activity". On top of that, right before bed we received an urgent text news report on our cell phone that Chile just had an 8.8 earthquake.
Fast forward to what felt like in the middle of the night because it was still pitch black outside. I awake to the ominous howl of the tsunami drill. Before I panic, I wrack my brain thinking "Is it the first of March already, no... I know it can't be...?" (they always do a test drill the first day of the month). But then I think "Why are they doing a test drill in the middle of the night a few days early?" Alex and I bolt out of bed (Moki chose to continue to sleep through the alarm not even bothering to get up and join us downstairs). I didn't think to video tape the darkness and the sound of the alarm from my porch for my blog (instead I called my parents to tell them we were ok), so the video I took was many hours later right before the wave was "supposed" to hit.
My brother turned on the news and saw "Hawaii braces for impact" and immediately called me. He said "I know it's early, but someone has to save the goats!" After the 6am warning siren, they did a siren every hour on the hour. Then as we got closer to 11am they did a warning every 30 minutes. Needless to say (adrenaline aside) we didn't get back to sleep. Now that the drama is settling down, we can all focus our thoughts and prayers on Chile.
Oh, and my witty parents said I should have said in my blog video "Welp, my goats seem to know JUST what to do in case of a tsunami...go to higher ground!"

Friday, February 26, 2010

Alex's blog

Alex started a Green Energy blog this week. He's still figuring the whole system out. Wanting to add pictures and graphics. I find myself constantly awe struck at how smart and knowledgeable Alex is. I think he'll leave the turkey, goat, and music blogging life to me and mine.
Click HERE to check out his Green Tips! Click "Back to Woodburygreen" to get back to his website.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Tonight when I was watering my almost dead tomato plants I heard a bunch of ruckus that sounded like Turkey's coming the street. So I ran inside and grabbed my camera.
Turducken was a Thanksgiving dish we experienced a few years ago. Turkey, Duck, and Chicken all rolled into one!
Turkeys look very prehistoric don't they? I think Drumstick has a few buddies now!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Surf Sequence Shots

(click the photo to see it close up, especially the last one!)

Today Alex had a once and a life time opportunity and was photographed at Hapuna Beach by the professional photographer's Patrick O'Leary and Vince Street.
Click HERE to see Patrick O'Leary's work.
Click HERE to see Vince Street's work.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I wish Tori and I lived closer. I'd be playing duets all the time with her. Here is an encore performance of duel piano Hark the Herald and the violin piano tango Two Guitars.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

These are for you Moms!

This one is for you Mama Salerno and Mama Yamamoto!

My friend Tori and I grew up down the street from each other our whole lives. We played violin together from 5th grade till graduation. Performing in annual solo and ensemble competitions together. Making our parents smile with our duet playing. Each summer we try to get together during my Seattle summer visits and break out our violins to serenade our families. Often times we play duets for our other childhood girl friends weddings. Tori and Mike are visiting us this week. And tonight we practiced some new material and took videos just for our parents! So this one's for you mom's!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just Kidding around

Now that we have been a TV less household for almost two years, Alex teases me for standing on a stool in our bedroom watching our goats play through binoculars. I told him this is what happens to people without TV.
I have wanted to capture footage of my goats playing for weeks now, but whenever I go out there they stop playing and stare at me. Today I caught just a little bit of playing for your enjoyment. But it's not nearly as frisky and hyper as they usually can be when they play!
Also, to my shock and horror, the goats have also figured out another way to "pass the time". Buckley has been fixed, so as far as I can tell, it's purely for recreational purposes. I could see them from my kitchen window. I thought Buckley got out of the pen and was trying to hop back into the pen. Only I took a closer look and saw what he was really hopping on. Goats will be goats!