Thursday, December 3, 2009

Alex's surprise

My early Christmas present from Alex

He has turned me into a piano dork all over again. I can't stop practicing on this gorgeous piano. It's rich buttery tone captivates all my free time. I told him "Now nothing will get done around the house!"

Here's the story. I landed on Sunday evening and was starving. So I suggested we eat down at the pier. We are taking our sweet old time eating at the Blue Dragon (a fun musiquarium). We come home. It's dark outside by this point. I let Moki open the suitcase full of presents I brought him (and video taped the event). My phone rings. It's a student wanting to reschedule. I say "I just walked in. Let me find my calendar and I'll call you back". So I go running into my dark music room and flip on the lights and see THIS in my room. I screamed and ran back OUT of the room. I stood in the living room wide eyed looking at Alex with my back to my music room and said "Did I seriously just see 2 pianos?" I'm shocked. Blown away. Totally surprised. The piano is a 1928 Baldwin Howard French Provincial Style.
Most students didn't know that grand pianos fit together like this, hence their unique shape. I have been printing 4 handed piano duets (click HERE to see free printable sheet music for piano duets) and plan to do many student duet recitals in the near future.
I'm breaking out the Mozart Piano Concerto No. 24 and plan to memorize all 3 movements. I would like to audition with the symphony sometime next year!