Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This picture of my dad wearing my sister's hair just cracks me up! Yes that is Kimi's head!
Me and my siblings on Thanksgiving
Man's best friend on a bike ride to Waipeo Valley

Pressure is on to blog, but I don't want to "blah-g" about nothing. The holidays are upon us. I'm putting on Charlie Brown Christmas shows next week. I volunteered to play violin for the Waimea Chorus, which entails nightly rehearsals till 9:30pm and concerts Friday-Sunday. But the Chorus concert is very clever. Someone arranged classical pieces like Bach Preludes and Debussy's Claire de Lune and arranged Christmas carol lyrics to match up with them.
My family is coming out for Christmas this year, and I am beyond excited. They will get to meet the new "grandkids" Buckley and Mabel, who are now very adjusted and quiet. Some days they are louder than others for whatever reason. I'll take a colicky screaming baby on an airplane over screaming goats any day. I don't know what it is about a screaming bleating goat, but it is the WORST sound in the world. Sometimes all it takes to quiet them down is a few scratches on their back and a Koa branch to munch on and they are quiet and calm again.
The weather is H-O-T and dry in Waimea. My friends told me it was 16 degrees in Seattle yesterday. And here I am in December still wearing a sun dress and bare feet!
I think we will up pot a Sugi tree and use him as our Christmas tree this year. You have to do SOMETHING to get in the holiday spirit here. It's just not Christmassy in 90 degree weather!

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