Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Portable Electric Fast Fence

Alex and I put this fence up in 10 minutes! It's awesome! The goats have SO much more room to graze now in a pen FULL of yummy weeds. No need to weed eat or mow this week!
We moved their kennel and climbing palettes to the new pen. It rained HARD last night and I could just imagine them huddled together.
They have formed a super close bond. They graze side by side all day together.
Just look at all this vegetation for them to eat in their new pen!
The unit that makes the fence electric. Normally a goat could just chew right through this kind of fence. Or slip right underneath it. But because it is electric they don't get anywhere NEAR it. There is an easy off switch on the black solar battery so I can open the pen and play with them. They are so happy. I think they were crying out in hunger before. They would scream and squeal when they saw me walking down the street like "FOOD LADY!" Now they just contently and quietly watch me walk to and from them without an issue!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

We food ladies have to learn everything the hard way, don't we. My hens practically follow me into the house when they are trying to tell me I have not served enough breakfast or dinner is late!