Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mountain Road Cycles

Tami, Hilke, me, and Fabie!
My girl friends
I'm revamping this blog entry. I just arrived in Seattle tonight at 11:15pm. Hawaiian airlines has proven to be an incredible airline. They offer a complimentary dinner (I had spinich and cheese manicotti!) and a movie. Dinner and a movie! Tonghts feature was "Julie and Julia" which I haven't seen. It portrays a blogger dedicating to learning how to cook by working her way through Julia Childs cookbook and then blogging about her adventures. A great film! But she made a good point. Blogs can be self centered. Me me me. Well, my blog has been goats, goats, goats lately and before that Moki, Moki Moki the wonderdog. But this particular entry the other night WASN'T about me and a group of girl friends. It was about a huge accomplishment for some very dear friends and their wonderful new bike shop. A great addition to our little ranch town full of bikers, runners, and athletes. I bought a Santa Cruz Juliana bicycle from Matt's shop this month. The bike deserves a lot more than I can offer her. I'm taking baby steps with the whole bike thing. The saying "It's like riding a bike" means nothing to me. Friends pat my back and say "Just think of the saying as "It's like playing the piano" and you'll understand. For now, while I'm learning, I don't ride fast enough to fall and hurt myself. I think that's smart, right?

This was taken tonight at Fabie and Matt's grand opening at their bike shop Mountain Road Cycles! As you can see, it's winter time in Hawaii. I bet it was in the 50's tonight. That's chilly for us! Winter time is officially here. Yesterday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow on Mauna Kea!

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