Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lacking photos

I haven't been taking many photos lately!
BUT! SCHOOOOOLS out for SUMMER! I won't return to school until after our Seattle trip August 17th. That is a LONG vacation! I'm waiting for a teacher to e-mail a great photo she took of me being hugged by the entire class. Boy did I sure get my hug quota filled on Thursday!
And in other big news, tomorrow I will begin my very first dance class! I've never taken formal dance training my entire life. The class is more of a work out dance class called Nia. I might bring my camera to take some pictures. I'm going to try to do Nia Mondays and Fridays at 8:30am.
And finally, we spent the weekend transplanting over crowded trees from our house to our lot. We didn't space a few trees well enough and they were crowded. So we dug up several huge trees and ferns and dingoed them over to the lot. Spread some beauty bark. Divided and planted irises. Spruced up the pond area. And Moki enjoyed some beach time on Saturday. I had fun making up games for him. The best being "bobbing for coconuts". He tried so hard to get a hold of the floating coconut!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Happy SUMMER vacation!

You sure do stay busy...whether working or playing!

Hope you enjoy your dance class. I have often thought I would like to take dance..but I would really like to dance with Bruce...and of course HE won't go take a lesson.