Friday, October 7, 2011

Tap Dancer

The last week of each quarter, instead of having normal technique and repertoire lessons, my students will have a lesson in performance and stage presence by performing in a Master Class/Recital taking place on their same lesson day from 5-6pm. I did an official private student head count this week (seeing that I've taken on at least 5 more students this month), and I'm up to 80! That doesn't include the 7 I teach as a group violin lesson; the 9 I teach at a homeschool; and the two adults who have lessons once or twice a month. A recital of 80 students would last forever, which is why I had to come up with the quarterly held recital idea. This way about 16 students perform each night.
Since the last week of October is Halloween, I allow my students to perform wearing a costume. Which means that I have to dress up too. This year I decided to go as a tap dancer. I bought a used pair from ebay for $6 seeing that new shoes cost almost $40 before shipping. Too much of an investment for a costume.
This video is me trying them on for the first time. Holy crow is tap dancing a work out! 15 minutes of tap feels like 40 minutes of jogging! I think I could really get into my own made up tap dance routines. But no, I will not be adding "tap dance lessons" to the services provided by Salerno Strings.

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

I remember taking tap and ballet one yr when I was a kid...LOVED the tap part. Refused to be in the recital 'cause I didn't like the costumes the instructor chose. (in view of what that stuff costs, I am sure my parents were delighted to not have to purchase them for me or my younger sister!)