Friday, June 11, 2010

Kimi Graduated!!

Today the baby of the family has graduated from Western Washington University with a Bachelor in Science degree! The ceremony is tomorrow morning and I wish I could be there to cheer her on! My parents are officially empty nesters. No more children in college. Their children are all grown up and out in the world now. With degrees in Music Education, Construction Management, and Environmental Science we make an interesting trio of Salernos.
Congratulations my beautiful and wonderful sister. I'm so proud to have a scientist in the family! I can't wait to see where you go on your journey. Now that you've graduated maybe you can come visit me in Hawaii! Or score a sweet job out here! We are surrounded by water and environmental concerns! Our county still needs major help with the reservoirs after the 2006 earthquake! Check out these cheap tickets ($194 each way!) from Seattle to Kona in October HERE! (change the month from March to October)

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