Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Moki

Ah yes, another pet owner obnoxious moment on my blog. My friends tell me I need to either get a hobby or have a kid because they are sick of the BEST IN SHOW. This video doesn't capture the best prehistoric Moki sounds when the bike comes out of the garage, but it's still very cute. He LOVES bike rides. 
This Saturday June 21st is Moki's SIXTH birthday. I can't believe that if Moki had been a real boy and not a dog, I would have a first grader on my hands! That is how fast time goes by! Digital cameras were ground breaking new technology back then, so we have very few puppy pictures. But here are a few great ones of our little polar bear cub. Moki is an old soul. He has always been such a good boy. He never had a bad puppy phase, was born potty trained, loves children, walks and runs without a leash.......he is such a special dog. I call him Saint Moki.

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