Friday, May 18, 2012

Recital Week

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I turned 32 and disappeared!

**Before watching, please note that this is the second day I've practiced this piece. And this recording is at 9pm after a 12 hour teaching day. My eyes were starting to blur the notes together! 

It appears that I turned 32, and then disappeared from blogger!
This month wraps up the school year, so life has been busier than usual. Recital week is next week, which means I have to practice myself so I can demonstrate! It doesn't help that I decided to jump movements mid week. I originally wanted to play the first movement of Beethoven Sonata No 2 Opus 31 (The Tempest) but mid week decided the third movement would be more fun. Up next: Summer lessons followed by organizing 78 private students this upcoming fall!