Saturday, June 4, 2011

Peter Pan ahoy!

Me and my entire crew all aboard the Pirate ship!
Wendy, Peter Pan, and Tink
Cap'n Hook and Smee
The mermaid lagoon backdrop. We also had an awesome cardboard crocodile!
The Lost Boys secret underground cave

Once, in a fair fight ago, my homeschool had their end of the year production of Peter Pan. The class consists of 7 students, only 2 of which being girls, making them the perfect roles of Wendy and Tinkerbelle (who also doubled as Princess Tiger Lily). I had to edit a lot of the Peter Pan story to make it more politically correct (growing up in Washington, so rich with Native American culture, I am very sensitive to these kinds of PC matters!) I am still over the moon with how well last night went. They were amazing!