Monday, February 14, 2011

High Tea for Hospice

I was invited this weekend by my friend and violin student Tai to attend a women's High Tea in support of Hospice. She wanted more young faces this year to support such a worthy cause. I sat at a table of about 12 young women; some of them mom's whose children I teach and some of them classmates of Alex's from HPA. I was making small talk to the girl sitting next to me and the topic of Seattle came up. She asked what part I was from and I said "Mercer Island". She said "I grew up on Mercer Island. I went to middle school and high school there!" Well, there is only one middle school and one high school on the island. She looked much younger than me and it turns out she was in my sisters graduating class of 2003, but has a sister from the 2000 class. I was the class of 1998. We whipped out our iphones and got on facebook and have 2 common friends, both girls being my childhood neighbors. What a small world! Here we are in Waimea, at a Ranch, an ocean away from where we grew up. So I said "This is nice, at our table we have 2 girls who went to school with Alex at HPA, and 2 girls who went to school at MIHS!" It was certainly an unexpected turn of events!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Day in the Life...

Today exactly a week ago....
We spent all afternoon recording Dad's song "Till there was Lou" (a tribute to his brother, my uncle Lou). What an incredible experience. We had the chance to record at Palm Records. The recording came out amazing. I'll try to figure out a way to put it on my blog.
So after recording, I came home and taught some lessons, and then Dad and I performed at Big Island Brewhaus. I was totally fried by the time we got up to perform. I felt like maybe what Britney Spears feels like after rehearsing and performing 18 hours a day and then giving a concert by night.

On the farm front, poor sweet Mabel somehow got her hind leg COMPLETELY tangled in a rope. So tightly bound she was screaming when I tried to unwind it. She isn't applying any pressure or walking on it, and it is horribly swollen. She probably had the darn thing cutting off blood circulation for a good 10 hours. I feel horrible and I hope she will be alright. I google searched this kind of injury. It could take 6-8 weeks for recovery. Goats are pretty resilient! She survived unscathed last year catching barbed wire in her eye socket. Totally fish hooked. Always an adventure around here folks.